Nature thrives off community spirit in Knutsford

Nature thrives off community spirit in Knutsford

Knutsford Heath nature reserve

Knutsford is ahead of the game compared to other towns, but there’s nothing stopping more local people joining the cause...

Nature thrives off community spirit in Knutsford

Cheshire Wildlife Trust has been working with groups across Knutsford to help transform the town into a place where people and nature can thrive together. To learn more, Tatton MP, Esther McVey, paid a visit to learn how Knutsford is becoming a key town in the fight for nature’s recovery.

The Trust has looked after Knutsford Heath nature reserve for many years but is now exploring new ways to connect people to nature. Recent projects have included the creation of a new wildflower meadow off Branden Drive as well as assisting in the creation of Crosstown Community Orchard.

The town is also set to benefit from a new natural wellbeing project which will run over two six-week periods. This nature intensive course will focus on giving participants the skills and confidence they need to take on new challenges in life be that returning to work or adjusting to retirement. 

On visiting the site, Wilder Communities Coordinator, Adam Linnet explained how Knutsford is fast becoming a case study for grass roots nature recovery initiatives.

He said: 

 ‘The fight for wildlife is not one we can win alone. If we are to save wildlife, we need a community to help us to do it, and Knutsford has certainly answered the call. From tree planting schemes, wildflower champions and ‘Friends of’ groups being set up to look after woodlands in the town, action is starting to happen at a large-scale. It is so fantastic to see a town-wide effort to help reverse the decline of our local wildlife.

Knutsford is ahead of the game compared to other towns, but there’s nothing stopping more local people joining the cause, taking their own actions for wildlife and making the town a glowing example of what can be done for wildlife.”

Esther McVey added: ‘I was really interested to hear about the work the Trust are doing to make sure nature is at the heart of the community and that local residents are really encouraged to get involved. There is no doubt that, for many, the pandemic has given us a renewed appreciation of the value of green space both our mental and physical health.

More information on the Trust’s work can be found at:

Esther McVey - Knutsford Community Orchard